Inter-religious Dialogue

The photo was taken by: Mas Abdi

Inter-religious Dialogue Through Mixed-Grave
Selvone Christin Pattiserlihun

One of the developments of interreligious dialogue is the media used to carry out the engagement of differences. Mixed graves (mixed religion and ethnicity) are considered one of the new spaces used as a medium for inter-religious dialogue. In the end, everyone will die and need a place to properly bury their bodies. The process of burial or burial that takes place in places in Indonesia, steals the author's attention to see how the space for inter-religious dialogue is created through mixed graves. Unfortunately, mixed graves do not occur everywhere in Indonesia. Areas experiencing conflict and living in segregation choose to maintain segregation graves based on religion and ethnicity. However, capital areas that do not experience inter-religious conflicts or conflicts between ethnic groups, create meeting spaces that can maintain peace. I see that the religious practices that take place at the cemetery illustrate that the process of exclusion has ended and that Indonesian people are setting up an inclusive and pluralist life in the future. This process will restore appreciation to the motto of the Indonesian nation, namely Bhineka Tunggal Ika, and strengthen the basic principle of the state, namely Pancasila to block forms of violence and conflict as well as close war routes and uphold human rights.    

Mixed graves (religious and ethnic) are often found in Indonesia. some regions in Indonesia do not oppose this phenomenon as a unique example of upholding religious tolerance in Indonesia. Religious tolerance is a very sensitive issue discussed in the social dynamics of Indonesian society formally. Many social and religious experts view the issue of religious tolerance as a serious problem that must be corrected. There are many problems regarding intolerance and plurality that are still ongoing today (Sudarto, 2018). seeing some mixed grave phenomena in the eyes of ordinary people is something common. However, regions in Indonesia that enforce regional segregation based on religion and ethnicity will respond to this phenomenon as a strange and new phenomenon. 

This is just a little part of my assignment paper. I will upload the whole of my assignment if it is received as good writing. LoL :D



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