“The Golden Rule”


Picture by: https://thegoldenhammer.net/editorial-flushing-the-golden-rule/

The Concept and Implementation of Golden Rule in the Teachings Of Sixth Religion Recognized in Postmodern Era in Indonesia

Writen by Selvone Christin Pattiserlihun

Religion is considered the most important part of social life. In the development of world civilization, humans have always made religion the main topic to present the truth through its teachings to its people. All religious teachings in the world always prioritize the best for all their followers. But sometimes religious teachings that aim to create moral values, and vice versa, make humans immoral in the postmodern society. Because various teachings put forward the interests of one party or combine other interests that are contrary to human values. So sometimes many teachings presented by religion cause damage to people's social relations. Some parties of religious people sometimes voice their religion as the truest religion. So in the social life of every religious community, it will be difficult to find respect for another religion. With a high self-confidence in the religion and culture people inherited, they will worship and exalt what they believe in. This will trigger conflict between people of different religions. People always do not want someone to convey bad things to them. On the other hand, they always discriminate against others, because they think that they have power as the majority in an area. This opinion comes from religious people. Hengky Hetaria stated that Socio-historical facts show that religion is often used as the reason and trigger for various conflicts in society. Texts of the scriptures of each religion are often interpreted and understood separately, because of a negative assessment of the group of other religions, even against groups of different sects in one the same, causing conflict and violence in the name of religion as well as certain religious beliefs. (Hengky Hetaria, 2019: pp. 134) This statement proves that religion becomes a destroyer of humanity if religious people can not be able to manage and interpret the truth of each teaching.

Pluralist society still maintains the characteristics that trigger conflict between people of different religions. There are still principles of life that underestimate other people by maintaining the division of society just because of layers of society based on religion. The world's religions that have power will dominate a place and become the most prioritized in society. It happens because the principle of majority and minority religions is still preserved in the thoughts and actions of religious people in the world. The problem of differences in world religions in society also happens in Indonesia. It is very difficult to determine the commonalities of each of the world's religious teachings to destroy the causes of conflict in society. Every religion has a solid foundation to give to its followers. These principles are reflected in religious teachings and practices.

Indonesia is a country based in Pancasila. In the first point of Pancasila, elaborate that God is the base of the foundation in this country, which means that it is very principled on the noble values ​​of religion. Various religions in Indonesia have a significant role in shaping the attitudes of their people. Indonesia recognizes six world religions recognized as the legal religion, which Indonesian people can choose. The six religions are Islam as the majority religion with many followers in Indonesia, Protestant Christianity as the second population, Catholic Rome, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. However, the problem is six religions that have been recognized by the state are still triggers for conflict in society. So it is necessary to unify the different opinions of religious people who choose those six religions. It continues to be fought for but not optimally because religious people still prioritize the majority and minority religious systems as a form of implementation of political rivalry. As a part of Indonesia, I can say that this is a common problem, but it will be a big problem for society. So, we have to understand and find something appropriate to unite all of the teachings from all of the world religions in this country.

The Golden Rule can be the answer to the problem. Golden Rule is the global rule for all of the world religions. In Indonesia, not many people know about this term. The golden rule is important in the world community because it is recognized by all religions in the world. Both as a recognized religion in Indonesia and even a religion that is not recognized in Indonesia. So, if all the people in Indonesia understand this term, they will complete peace in the social life between people who have various religions. Therefore, in this paper, I will discuss the concept of the golden rule and its implementation in the lives of religious people in the world, and specifically, I will discuss the six religions recognized in Indonesia, they are Islam, Protestant Christianity, Rome Catholic, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.

1) The Concept Of Golden Rule

What will happen when there is no single rule that can unite differences in the context of multicultural life? Chaos, conflicts, and endless debates will always be a boomerang in the lives of diverse people. Differences in thoughts, perspectives, the background of life, the context of tradition in the area, and so forth will be sources of conflict and triggers of social discomfort. This will be resolved if all fields have one agreement to be unified and accepted by the general public. Not just in one place but all over the world. World religions play an important role in people's lives both locally in certain areas, nationally within a country, and internationally in the world. Therefore, representatives of each religion must consult to achieve a common goal. Thus the Golden Rule becomes one of the religious rules that fulfill the criteria for becoming world rules. The Golden Rule plays a role in regulating the life of a multicultural society, especially in the life of people of different religions.

The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one wants to be treated. It is a maxim that is found in most religions in the world. It can be considered an ethic of reciprocity in some religions, although different religions treat it differently (Wikipedia: 2021). The notion of the golden rule is taught by all the world's religions. (Jeffrey Wattles, 1996: pp.4) The Golden Rule is the best way to be seen as a consistency principle. It does not replace regular moral norms. It is not an infallible guide on which actions are right or wrong; it does not give all the answers. It only prescribes consistency that we do not have our actions (toward another) be out of harmony with our desires (toward a reversed situation action). It tests our moral coherence. If we violate the golden rule, then we are violating the spirit of fairness and concern that lies at the heart of morality (Hazik Mohamed, 2017: pp. 138). Wattles in his book "The Golden Rule" stated that "the golden rule happily has more than a single sense. It is not a static, one-dimensional proposition with a single meaning to be accepted or rejected, defended or refuted. Understandably, the golden rule has been regarded as the supreme moral principle." (Wattles: Pp.6)

The principle of doing unto others as you would have done unto you is known as the Golden Rule as it is a maxim or ethical code, or universal morality. Morality is the sense in which it will be investigated here has to do with more: that is, with generally accepted norms as individual conduct (Alan Donagan, 1997: pp. 1) This term fundamentally states either of the following: One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. The positive form is One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated. On the other hand, the Negative form is also known as the Silver Rule. 

The Golden Rule as an ethical imperative guides human moral behavior, if traced from the history of its emergence, has existed long and wide in the traditions of religions. Bertens stated that the Golden rule "Treat others the way you would like to be treated", in the positive formula reads: "Treat others as you would like to be treated". Whereas in the formulation of the negative: "Don't do to others, what you don't yourself" wish will be done to you” (Bertens, 2009: 80). This Golden rule did not originate from any of the first sources but emerged everywhere in the consciousness of each tradition in various places and times, and does not depend on each other in various versions of writing. One of the oldest formulations found in the writing of the great Chinese philosopher Confucius about the 5th century BC. The variant of the Golden Rule develops in other religions in the world. It can be found in the Scriptures of various religions both in the scriptures of the Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and other religious people in the world.

2) Golden Rule in Abrahamic Religion ( Protestant Christianity, Rome Catholic, and Islam)

Abrahamic religion is known as a religion whose path of spread starts in the middle east or in parts of Asia. This religion is known for its belief in only one God or what is called Monotheistic. In general, the Abrahamic religion is divided into three namely Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The three religions have their respective teachings according to the teachings whether they teach their people or based on their traditions. Jhon Corrigan stated that Each of the religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is, in fact, the product of many distinctive, competing traditions. These many traditions, which frequently overlap in certain aspects but retain unique elements, coalesce to form the larger tradition. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam preserve tradition in scripture while they also generate new traditions that are grounded in that scripture. (Corrigan, 2012: pp.1)

The three Abrahamic religions that have developed in this world are certainly influenced by various traditions from each region which are adapted to the existing context. Every scripture that belongs to the three Abrahamic religions is essentially interpreted based on the existing context. The Golden Rule is also found in every Abrahamic religion's teachings. Jews, Christians, and Muslims all over the world make the Golden Rule an important part of their teachings. The most special thing is that the Golden Rule is found in the writings of the scriptures of Jews, Christians, and Muslims. This is also expressed and implied in the religious teachings put forward by the apostles or prophets who are believed to be extensions of God. But in the context of Indonesia, we will discuss two parts of Abrahamic religion in Christianity here Protestant Christianity and Catholic Rome, and the last is Islam.

A) Christianity (Protestant and Catholic Rome)

Christians are followers of Christ who believe in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit as one unique entity. The Trinity is the most fundamental teaching in understanding Christianity. The debate will never end if human beings try to understand the concept of the Trinity with ordinary human sense. Because true Christians are those who believe in Christ and who prioritize the teachings of Jesus in their lifestyle.

Jesus in the Christian tradition is known as the savior who atones for the sins of mankind. He was born as a weak human being conceived by the virgin Mary in Bethlehem Judea, Jerusalem, who was crowned the Descendant of King David, the King of Israel. Jesus grew into a person who prioritized Jewish teachings. (Corrigan, 2012: pp.21) But in the course of his life, Jesus was trusted as a teacher or Rabbi, as a healer or Doctor, who fulfilled the contents of the Torah which is the main book of the Jews. So that in its development, all those who believe in Him build a fellowship called Christianity which is growing very rapidly until it spreads throughout the world, and is most strongly accepted in the Western world, namely in the Americas, Europe, and Asia.

The development of Christianity in the world is also implied in how strong the role of Jesus' teachings for his followers is. During his lifetime, Jesus always shared the joyful news which he called the Gospel. The disciples who always followed Him were chosen by Him to be able to record what He taught his followers, which was then conveyed orally and enshrined in a book through canonization known as the Bible. The teachings of Jesus are very pro to the lives of others in society. For several years Jesus taught his followers in various places in Jerusalem and several other places. This was done before He died on the cross on Golgotha and rose again on the 3rd day. This became a reference for His disciples to attract many people to believe in Him as the great Messiah. After Jesus died, his teachings were continued by his disciples throughout the world.

One of the teachings that are very good and then used as a benchmark for social life is the teaching recommended by Christians as The Golden Rule. This teaching is almost the same as that explained by the Jews. But the Jews put it in the Book of Hebrews, while Jesus explicitly taught it to his disciples on the hill. In the Bible, these words of Jesus are found in Matthew 7:12 "Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets." and Luke 6:31 "And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise". These two verses explain the teachings of Jesus which prioritize love for others as well as self-love. Certainly, the context of Jesus conveying this is not without reason. But in reality, humans at that time lived with a lack of respect for one another. Therefore, Jesus taught this to His followers, so that they could understand the meaning of a life of love for one another. The teaching of loving others is like loving yourself. and doing what others want of us is an agreed doctrine is the meaning of The Golden Rule.

B) Islam

Islam organized to become an Abrahamic religion with the largest population in the world after Christianity. Its followers are spread in many areas of the world as are Judaism and Christianity. According to the chronology, Islam is known after Judaism and Christianity. In the development of his religion, Muhammad and the Qur'an became the center of religious teachings. Each of the teachings contained in the Qur'an has little in common with some of the stories in the Bible and the Torah. However, the Qur'an is believed as the highest authority in Islam. Every teaching of the Qur'an is sacred, it can only be understood and cannot be interpreted in unacceptable ways (Corrigan: pp.40). In Islam, every teaching is not only found in the Qur'an, but also in several other texts such as the Hadith, and several translations and interpretations of the Qur'an.

The same teachings are introduced by Muslims in the Hadith which is a collection of teachings resulting from the words, deeds, and decrees taught by Mohammad to his followers. Mohammad determined many things including establishing the teachings of The Golden rule. Rost in Wattles cites the following passage from the Qur'an: "Woe to those . . . who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure, but when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due" (Surah 83, "The Unjust," verse. 1-4); the Qur'an also celebrates those who "show their affection to such as came to them for refuge and entertain no desire in their hearts for things given to the (latter), but give them preference over themselves" ( Surah 59, "Exile," verse. 9). (Wattles, 191) These words explain how humans should behave in public life. In social life, respect for others must be important. The attitude to consider each other as equal to oneself is something that Muslims should do in their practice of life. This is what the Prophet Muhammad wanted to teach to all his followers. The value of respect for others is then designated as a verse that refers to the meaning of The Golden Rule.

3) Golden Rule in Asia Religion

This chapter will discuss how the Golden Rule plays an important role in the social life of people in Asia, which have strong ties to indigenous religions. Several religions are recognized as the oldest religions in the world and have teachings that are as important as the teachings of the Abrahamic religions. Indigenous religions in Asia have the least distribution of followers in the world when compared to the Abrahamic religions. Hinduism and Buddhism will be the best discussion in this part to show The Golden Rule.

A) Hinduism

Hinduism is known as the oldest and most complex religion in the world. This is evidenced by its presence before other religions became active in the sixth century or after that. Hinduism originates from the Indian civilization and is famous for its various gods and teachings about life. (Lewis Hopfe et al, 2016: pp. 59). Hinduism is not a religion that only focuses on belief and worship, but refers to dharma which shows its existence as the right way of life. So that the teachings in the religion of life focus on managing the way of life of its followers. By worshiping many gods, Hinduism is a unique religion. The gods worshiped are the gods who are believed to be guardians, helpers, preservers, destroyers, and so forth. The followers of Hinduism are taught to follow the gods in every mythical story written in the books they have.

The Hindu scriptures are the Vedas which are divided into four parts, namely the Rig-Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama-Veda, and Atharva-Veda. These four books contain the Dharma which is a guide for the life of the Hindus. One of the teachings contained in the Dharma Mahabharata is One should never do that to another which one regards as injurious to one's self. This, in brief, is the rule of dharma. Other behavior is due to selfish desires. (Wikipedia, 2021)

Hindu religious teachings are centered on good practices that bring benefits to oneself and even others. One of the many teachings for the practice of the goodness of life is the teaching in the Mahabharata. Julian Woods in Jeffrey Wattles stated that as well as three similar sentences in the Mahabharata, which refer to The Golden Rule is first in bk. 12 chapter 251 stated that "Knowing how painful it is to himself, a person should never do to others which he dislikes when done to him by others". Second, in bk. 12, chap. 279, v. 23 stated that "A person should not himself do that act which, if done by another, would call down his censure". And the last one in bk. 13, chap. 113 stated that "One should never do that to another which one regards as injurious to one's self". (Wattles: pp. 191). Based on these points, it can be concluded that the Golden Rule is one of the most important things in the teachings of Hinduism.

B) Buddhism

Buddhism is a religion that spread after Hinduism Began in India in the sixth century B.C.E. (Lewis Hopfe et al: pp. 101). Like Hinduism, Buddhism believes in gods. The many Gods, according to their followers, can be the role model for good ways in their lives. The Buddhist leader is Siddhartha Gautama or the nickname is Buddha. He made Buddhism more moderate than Hinduism. The Buddhist tradition is an Indian religion that is likely to be disturbed by the Hindu movement that does not want to be subordinated. (Lewis Hopfe et al, 2016: 71) But the spread of Buddhists is becoming more and more widespread outside India, such as in Asia, like Thailand, and so forth.

There is nothing in the life and teachings of the Buddha to indicate that he intended to found a new religion. (Lewis H. et al: 104) Buddha wanted to separate himself from Hinduism because according to him the various teachings in the Vedas did not suit his needs and the context of his life. Therefore, Buddha created a new religion that he hoped would improve his religion so that it could become a more open and moderate religion. Thus, Buddha compiled the scriptures or Scriptures that were more in line with his idealism. The scripture of Buddhism is the Tripitaka. Thus, Buddha compiled the scriptures or Scriptures that were more in line with his ideals. 

Many teachings were introduced by Budha to his followers. His insight is referred to as the Four Noble Truths; these truths form the core of Buddhist teaching: First, To live is to experience suffering. Second, Suffering comes from desire and attachment. Third, The way to eliminate suffering is to eliminate desire. and forth is possible if one follows the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path is another key element in the Buddha’s teaching and focuses on the proper way of living one’s life. The person who follows the Eightfold Path will break the bonds that tie one to life and will achieve release from the cycle, that is, Nirvana. (Lewis H. et al: 105). 

Alton in Wattles stated that One example of the golden rule drawn from Buddhism states: "Hurt not others in ways that you would find hurtful" ( Udana-Varga, 5. 18). Additional references include the Sutta Nipata705; Samyutta Nikaya353; the Dhammapada 129-30; the Acarangasutra 5. 101-2; and the Majjhima Nikaya i.415. The Jainist Sutrakritanga contains the admonition that one should "treat all beings as he would be treated" ( 1.10.13). The standard citation from Zoroastrianism is from the Dadistan-i-Dinik: "That nature only is good which shall not do unto another whatever is not good for itself" (94.5) The Christian writer Garcilaso de la Vega ( 1961, p. 9) reported of the Inca leader Manco Capac that he taught his subjects that "each one should do unto others as he would have others do unto him" (Wattles: 192) some of these things prove that Buddha also places great importance on Golden Rule in his Dharma or religious practice as very good teaching. This is what states that Buddhism also adheres to The Golden Rule in the teachings of the Tripitaka.

C) Confucianism

Confucianism is one of the world's religions arising from China. Founded by a western man named Kong. His disciples and followers called him Kongzi (Kong the master). (Lewis H. et al:146). But in its development, this religion was spread to several places in the world where the Chinese spread, including Indonesia. Kongzi teachings are very well known in the life of Chinese society according to the context.  

Kongzi teachings refer to the relationship between humans in social life. According to Confucius, there are five basic relationships in life. These five relationships are as follows (Lewis Hopfe Et al: 148):

1. Father to son

2. Elder brother to younger brother.

3. Husband to wife.

4. Elder to junior.

5. Ruler to the subject. 

The Golden Rule is very visible in Confucianism. This is what makes the history of The Golden Rule which was first developed by the followers of Kongzi.

4) Implementation In The Postmodern Era In Indonesia

Indonesia as a religious country that recognizes six world religions must emulate every religious teaching that refers to the golden rule. The six religions recognized in Indonesia have been described as having values ​​and teachings that contain the golden rule in them. The critical problem that continues to occur in this country is that the implementation of the Golden Rule has not yet been fully achieved.

The fact is that this country is still ruled by various actions that are not under religious teachings. Today in the postmodern era, where the development of the era began for all of the people in the world, several cases illustrate that Indonesia has not been able to achieve the objectives of the golden rule. There are: first, corruption which has been the work of the government and society from the first until now. The development of the world with needs that are adapted to the progress of civilization makes many people unaware that corruption destroys social relations in society, because many parties, such as the people, remain poor and oppressed, but many parties benefit because they feel pleasure. The second is the criminal case. Criminal cases occur among religious communities such as the latest case of the rape of a religious teacher to his 12 students, in addition to other cases such as premeditated murder committed by several people in parts of Indonesia. Other than that, cases of kidnapping, fraud, and so forth are carried out by several individuals to fulfill their desires and needs of life as ordinary people by sacrificing other people to suffer and suffer. Third, in the case of the prohibition of worship that violates human rights related to religious freedom. If it is related to The golden rule, these cases should be followed up by re-doing what was done to the perpetrators of the crime. Laws in Indonesia are dynamic, some are in favor of the weak, but some are in favor of the strong. Thus, there is a need for awareness-raising activities on world regulations that require a balanced treatment of others in social relations in Indonesia.


The Golden Rule is one of the basic things that are very attached to the teachings of the world's religions. The six recognized religions in Indonesia are also united by this teaching. However, in its implementation, Indonesian citizens have not fully provided space to implement the concept of The Golden rule in the lives of every citizen. Islam, Protestant Christianity, Catholic Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism are religions that have different characteristics. But in the stipulations of the world's rules, the Golden rule becomes very important to be applied in the life of everyone in the world.

The world today escapes the progress of civilization. Everyone is required to master technological advances. Therefore, the thing that is most feared is when people are more concerned with individual pleasures and forget their nature as social beings. This can be seen from the fact that there are still deviations from the golden rule carried out by the world's religious communities in Indonesia. It can be concluded that the meaning of the Golden Rule is still not maximally carried out by Indonesian citizens who are said to be religious.


Corrigan John, et al. Jewish, Christians, Muslims. 2nd ed., Pearson, 2016

Donagan Allan, The Theory of Morality, USA: The University of Chicago, 1977.

Flew Antony, (1979). "Golden Rule". A Dictionary of Philosophy. London: Pan Books in association with The MacMillan Press. p. 134. ISBN 978-0-330-48730-6

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Hopfe, M. Lewis, et al. Religion of The World. 13th ed., Routledge, 2016

Mohamed Hazik, “The Effect of the Golden Rule on Inequality - Behavioral Evidence in Belief Systems”, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia: Global Conference on Business and Economics Research, 2017, https://econ.upm.edu.my/content/the_effect_of_the_golden_rule_on_inequality_behavioral_evidence_in_belief_systems-32960  

The Jewish Encyclopedia about Hillel, (1906), https://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/7698-hillel

Wattles, J., The Golden Rule. Oxford University, 1996

Wikipedia about Golden Rule, 2021, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Rule


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