Kind Of Christianity Opinion

What is your Perspective on Bible as a Scholar in the Religious Study Major?
Written By: Selvone Chriistin Pattiserlihun

    The Bible as a source of Christian teaching is interpreted from various perspectives and has many interpretations. Theologians today interpret the Bible in several forms, namely literally but also in a contextual form. Many interpretations are interpreted literally to produce different meanings in the context. But on the other side, many theologians interpreted the bible in the current context. Those who interpret the bible based on context often associate the study of each part of the Bible with contemporary life, which is associated with interpretation related to developing issues. Bible interpretation is often expressed in a form of preaching by pastors or priests for the people delivered to them. So, from this, we know that the Bible is a Christian holy book that is free to be interpreted in various forms of interpretation.

The Bible was written at an uncertain time and was written by an anonymous author. All of the stories in the bile usually use several forms of literature. The Bible contains stories of some people's experiences with God in the Israel era or the history of ancient Israel life (which is Hebrew in the Old Testament) until the experiences with Jesus in the Jesus Christ Era, (which is Greek in New Testament).  There are many efforts to make the bible the holy book because to be the holy book like today, the bible has a long process. There are many In the past which is poured oral information into written form. The experiences and information received are very non-empirical, because they were written after the incident occurred hundreds or even thousands of years after.

Perspectives on the Bible became the subject of discussion and debate by theologians and the general public because many of the Bible's stories made no sense, and were irregular. This is influenced by several factors such as the time of writing, who the author is, the time of editing, and translation. But basically, the Bible contains various values ​​of life that are useful for the formation of rules or norms of society in the general life of Christian. But in reality, not all forms of the book can be accepted as interpretation material for the norms and rules of social life today, even though it is already canonized. One of the most famous examples of books that are not often used in daily life in the context of Indonesian culture is the Kidung Agung or Song of Songs. Is it influenced by the way the preachers interpret the word? or there are many other influences? 

The last point that I want to point out is about the Patriarchal tradition in which subordinate women indirectly also directly. There are many symbols in the bible with meanings. I agree about that but, there are so many forms of discrimination against women that happen in the bile.


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